import sqlite3 import time import ssl import urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error from urllib.parse import urljoin from urllib.parse import urlparse import re from datetime import datetime, timedelta # Not all systems have this so conditionally define parser try: import dateutil.parser as parser except: pass def parsemaildate(md) : # See if we have dateutil try: pdate = parser.parse(tdate) test_at = pdate.isoformat() return test_at except: pass # Non-dateutil version - we try our best pieces = md.split() notz = " ".join(pieces[:4]).strip() # Try a bunch of format variations - strptime() is *lame* dnotz = None for form in [ '%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S', '%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S', '%d %b %Y %H:%M', '%d %b %Y %H:%M', '%d %b %y %H:%M:%S', '%d %b %y %H:%M:%S', '%d %b %y %H:%M', '%d %b %y %H:%M' ] : try: dnotz = datetime.strptime(notz, form) break except: continue if dnotz is None : # print 'Bad Date:',md return None iso = dnotz.isoformat() tz = "+0000" try: tz = pieces[4] ival = int(tz) # Only want numeric timezone values if tz == '-0000' : tz = '+0000' tzh = tz[:3] tzm = tz[3:] tz = tzh+":"+tzm except: pass return iso+tz # Ignore SSL certificate errors ctx = ssl.create_default_context() ctx.check_hostname = False ctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE conn = sqlite3.connect('content.sqlite') cur = conn.cursor() baseurl = "" cur.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Messages (id INTEGER UNIQUE, email TEXT, sent_at TEXT, subject TEXT, headers TEXT, body TEXT)''') # Pick up where we left off start = None cur.execute('SELECT max(id) FROM Messages' ) try: row = cur.fetchone() if row is None : start = 0 else: start = row[0] except: start = 0 if start is None : start = 0 many = 0 count = 0 fail = 0 while True: if ( many < 1 ) : conn.commit() sval = input('How many messages:') if ( len(sval) < 1 ) : break many = int(sval) start = start + 1 cur.execute('SELECT id FROM Messages WHERE id=?', (start,) ) try: row = cur.fetchone() if row is not None : continue except: row = None many = many - 1 url = baseurl + str(start) + '/' + str(start + 1) text = "None" try: # Open with a timeout of 30 seconds document = urllib.request.urlopen(url, None, 30, context=ctx) text = if document.getcode() != 200 : print("Error code=",document.getcode(), url) break except KeyboardInterrupt: print('') print('Program interrupted by user...') break except Exception as e: print("Unable to retrieve or parse page",url) print("Error",e) fail = fail + 1 if fail > 5 : break continue print(url,len(text)) count = count + 1 if not text.startswith("From "): print(text) print("Did not find From ") fail = fail + 1 if fail > 5 : break continue pos = text.find("\n\n") if pos > 0 : hdr = text[:pos] body = text[pos+2:] else: print(text) print("Could not find break between headers and body") fail = fail + 1 if fail > 5 : break continue email = None x = re.findall('\nFrom: .* <(\S+@\S+)>\n', hdr) if len(x) == 1 : email = x[0]; email = email.strip().lower() email = email.replace("<","") else: x = re.findall('\nFrom: (\S+@\S+)\n', hdr) if len(x) == 1 : email = x[0]; email = email.strip().lower() email = email.replace("<","") date = None y = re.findall('\Date: .*, (.*)\n', hdr) if len(y) == 1 : tdate = y[0] tdate = tdate[:26] try: sent_at = parsemaildate(tdate) except: print(text) print("Parse fail",tdate) fail = fail + 1 if fail > 5 : break continue subject = None z = re.findall('\Subject: (.*)\n', hdr) if len(z) == 1 : subject = z[0].strip().lower(); # Reset the fail counter fail = 0 print(" ",email,sent_at,subject) cur.execute('''INSERT OR IGNORE INTO Messages (id, email, sent_at, subject, headers, body) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )''', ( start, email, sent_at, subject, hdr, body)) if count % 50 == 0 : conn.commit() if count % 100 == 0 : time.sleep(1) conn.commit() cur.close()