# Note - this code must run in Python 2.x and you must download # http://www.pythonlearn.com/code/BeautifulSoup.py # Into the same folder as this program import urllib from BeautifulSoup import * todo = list() visited = list() url = raw_input('Enter - ') todo.append(url) while len(todo) > 0 : print "====== Todo list count is ",len(todo) url = todo.pop() if ( not url.startswith('http') ) : print "Skipping", url continue if ( url.find('facebook') > 0 ) : continue if ( url in visited ) : print "Visited", url continue print "===== Retrieving ", url html = urllib.urlopen(url).read() soup = BeautifulSoup(html) visited.append(url) # Retrieve all of the anchor tags tags = soup('a') for tag in tags: newurl = tag.get('href', None) if ( newurl != None ) : todo.append(newurl)